Monday, June 29, 2015

[JP] Arabian Night Galaxy Monsters!

New series is hitting JP on July 2nd at 12pm JST!

Just like normal batches, 5 hatcher monsters (two 4* and three 5*) and 5 event monsters (three 4* and two 5*). Also, it seems that Hakua will be (rarely) appearing in this series' Extreme dungeons!

Also, the source I'm using ( does not allowing external copying of images and such so I will link them to you!

Qasim (Fire 4* - Hatcher)

[Evo - Link]
Class: Demihume
Hit: Bounce
Type: Balance
Ability: Null Warp
Gauge: Null Gravity Barrier
Max HP: 13732 (+2460) - 16192
Max ATK: 11850 (+1750) - 13600 (16320)
Max SPD: 253.53 (+38.25) - 291.78
SS (20 turns): AOE Blast SS
Bump: Rebounding Laser M3 (1353)

Pretty obvious to see is that he is basically a mini-Izanami. Also being a Fire element, he is the perfect 4* monster for Kushinada! He deals with the gimmicks, semi-decent bump combo and a relatively strong SS. If you have strong friends with viable monsters, he can be carried in Izanami as well.

Sinbad (Water 5* - Hatcher)
[Evo - Link]
Class: Paladin
Hit: Bounce
Type: Balance
Ability: Null Damage Wall
Gauge: Null Warp
Max HP: 19487 (+3900) - 23387
Max ATK: 19855 (+2900) - 22755 (27306)
Max SPD: 312.90 (+47.60) - 360.50
SS (22 turns): Wall Bouncing SS
Bump: Giga Blast (7499)
[Asc - Link]
Class: Paladin
Hit: Bounce
Type: Balance
Ability: Null Gravity Barrier
Max HP: 17460 (4200) - 21660
Max ATK: 23629 (+3450) - 27079
Max SPD: 283.13 (+42.50) - 325.63
SS (26 turns): Command SS (have to hit allies)
Bump: Speed Up
Sub: Energy Circle S (2970)

Materials Needed
Pre -> Ascend: Marida (3) / Roc (2)
Evo -> Ascend: Marida (2) / Roc (1)

A very good monster overall. Both his forms does have their own uses so choose the one that you need the most. However I will choose the evolve form.

Evolve form has a double null ability, support bump combo, and a high damaging SS. In terms of his abilities, he is the perfect monster for Izanagi. His blast bump can proc your other monsters which are most likely Izanamis or Siegfried. Also his SS can one shot the last Izanagi bar if you can pinch between him and the wall. Some players bring Saigo in that dungeon just for his SS (and the extra damage from his Light Slayer). In the long term, he will probably replace Lancelot on all the dungeons he is viable on since Sinbad's bump is more reliable and his SS can deal more damage. Lancelot can be used only for the safety of his SS but it will deal less damage than Sinbad on average.

Ascend form is automatically the number 1 monster in Tsukuyomi in terms of Speed Up monsters, others being Snow Bow White and Uriel. He has more HP than both of them, which was a problem for some players if they run with double Speed Up. The main reason why though is that his SS is the best out of all of them. Uriel makes you sacrifice half of your HP to deal damage which on a No Heart dungeon, is not good. Snow White's SS requires you to hit the weak spot to deal damage which is not reliable since you have to clear mobs as well. That being said, if you have a high enough skill level, you won't need a Speed Up monster in the dungeon. He is not a bad NGB monster though if you are lacking in that department, especially in your water monsters. He is also a very good monster for Izanami as well, but only if you don't run with Margarite since the Speed Up can screw with your positioning.

However, I choose the evolve form for dungeon flexibility since I think that having two null abilities will make the best use of the monster overall. He is useable in which ever form you choose so if there are non-game aspects (artwork, and etc.) or you need a specific Impossible monster that make you choose one over another, then go for it!

Scheherazade (Wood 5* - Hatcher)
[Evo - Link]
Class: Demihume
Hit: Pierce
Type: Blast
Ability: Mech Slayer
Gauge: Null Gravity Barrier
Max HP: 19615 (+3900) - 23515
Max ATK: 16590 (+2425) - 19015 (+22818)
Max SPD: 262.10 (+39.95) - 302.05
SS (24 turns): 3-turn Immune
Bump: Ice Meteor (21504)
[Asc - Link]
Class: Demihume
Hit: Pierce
Type: Blast
Ability: Null Damage Wall
Gauge: Recovery
Max HP: 17692 (+4200) - 21892
Max ATK: 16805 (+2450) - 19255 (23106)
Max SPD: 276.33 (+41.65) - 317.98
SS (18 turns): Speed Up and Power Up
Bump: Cross Laser L (8662)
Sub: Homing 8 (3616)

Materials Needed
Pre -> Ascend: Marida (3) / Camel (2)
Evo -> Ascend: Marida (2) / Camel (1)

Saying this monster is strong might be overstating a bit... Well she is strong, just that there are better monsters out there. 

Lets start with the evolve version. Good null, synergy with SS by being a pierce, and a relatively good mob clearing bump. It is hard to make use of her Slayer since it is only for mobs. It does proc with her Meteor bump but it is hits random enemies so it is not 100% reliable. She is not good for any Impossible quests and there are no Water bosses that are Mech. She might be a good monster for Gigamantis but there are farmable alternatives for that dungeon (Tengu, Ashura, etc) and you would want to run full fire monsters in there. She is also good for Kabushido but that dungeon is pretty easy without her. 

Next is the ascend version. All I can say is that if you have Sakura or Evo Cleopatra, evolve this monster. The above two are better than the ascend version in a lot of ways. Sakura has an extra Flight ability which makes her more viable in more dungeons. Cleopatra has a mob clearing SS and a blast bump to proc other powerful bump combos. Sure Scheherazade's bump combo is good since it is more powerful than the average Cross Laser but it is nothing spectacular (Merlin users would know).

My main analysis is basically she is both a support and dps monster. Which is cool and all but the more highly regarded monsters are not exactly 5:5 for both roles like Scheherazade but 7:3 or 8:2 in either direction. If you want a Recovery monster than go for ascend, or go for evolve if you want some extra mob clear. 

Morgiana (Light 4* - Hatcher)
[Evo - Link]
Class: Demihume
Hit: Pierce
Type: Speed
Ability: Mine Sweeper
Gauge: Shield Breaker
Max HP: 13441 (+2460) - 15901
Max ATK: 12392 (+1825) - 14217 (+17061)
Max SPD: 23.23 (+34.85) - 269.08
SS (21 turns): Deals big damage on weak spot
Bump: Poison Spread 8 (1004 base, 20000 poison per turn for 3 turns)

There are Extreme dungeons she is useful for, some being Yeti and Titanium but she is definitely not needed. She can help clear scorpions effectively with her bump if you want to fast clear when you farm for dungeons like Lilith, and Hydra. But that is only really useful if you have a luck 90 for the high luck for an extra luck box.

Alibaba (Dark 5* - Hatcher)
[Evo - Link]
Class: Paladin
Hit: Bounce
Type: Balance
Ability: Mine Sweeper / Demon Slayer
Max HP: 19219 (+3900) - 23119
Max ATK: 22792 (+3325) - 26117
Max SPD: 256.97 (+39.10) - 296.07
SS (30 turns): 3 turn delay
Bump: Shotgun (1473)
[Asc - Link]
Class: Paladin
Hit: Pierce
Type: Speed
Ability: Demonsbane
Gauge: Null Gravity Barrier
Max HP: 16198 (+4200) - 20398
Max ATK: 17422 (+2550) - 19972 (23967)
Max SPD: 348.93 (+52.70) - 401.63
SS (30 turns): Meteor SS
Bump: Cross Laser L (6187)
Sub: Cross Laser S (2706)

Materials Needed
Pre -> Ascend: Roc (3) / Sandman (3)
Evo -> Ascend: Roc (2) / Sandman (2)

One of the easier monsters to call. I recommend the ascend version for him. Not really for the abilities but for everything else. Evolve version's SS doesn't really synergies with his hit style unlike the ascend version. Also the ascend version's bump combo provides a more reliable form of damage than the evolve version since you have to position less.

As for the ascend form's uses, there are a lot of Demon/Demon Mencer bosses. Most of the popular ones are Ghost and Taki Yashahime. He is also viable for Tsukuyomi for his mob clearing SS but not really a top pick. If you ever go for the evolve version or have to since you can't get the materials, he is a better monster for the likes of Queen Butterflight and Deathscoil. That being said, they are really easy to beat so he is not really needed. Evolve can work in Marishiten and Daikokuten in terms of Impossibles but he is only there to fill in for teams, not really to carry.

Roc (Fire 5* - Extreme)
[Evo - Link]
Class: Bird
Hit: Bounce
Type: Balance
Ability: Flight / Paladin Slayer
Max HP: 18512 (+3900) - 22415
Max ATK: 17184 (+5875) - 23059
Max SPD: 218.90 (+77.35) - 296.25
SS (18 turns): Becomes a pierce type
Bump: Ex Laser L (6187)
[Asc - Link]
Class: Bird
Hit: Pierce
Type: Balance
Ability: Flight / Paladin Slayer
Max HP: 15257 (+4200) - 19457
Max ATK: 15670 (+5350) - 21020
Max SPD: 253.33 (+90.10) - 343.43
SS (16 turns): Becomes a bounce type
Bump: Ex Laser L (6187)
Sub: Cross Laser S (2706)

Materials Needed
Pre -> Ascend: Marida (2) / Sandman (2) / Camel (1) / Sesame (1)
Evo -> Ascend: Marida (1) / Sandman (1) / Camel (1) / Sesame (1)

Basically a bounce and pierce version. He is the best non-Impossible farmable monster for Daikokuten. But which one is better? My answer, it depends.

Like I said, it depends on your troubles (or strengths) of the Daikokuten dungeon. If you have trouble with the mini boss stages with the diagonal demons, go for the evolve form. He makes it easier for you to pinch to kill those demons in one shot since he is a bounce monster. You will go ascend if you have trouble in the main boss stages. He is pierce so he can get himself out of bad spots and he can reach for healing walls, or your allies for bump combos. Both versions can turn to their opposite hit style with their strike shots. Max luck him if you want to max luck Daikokuten.

Camel (Water 4* - Savage)
[Evo - Link]
Class: Beast
Hit: Bounce
Type: Balance
Ability: Null Warp
Gauge: Demon Slayer
Max HP: 13033 (+2460) - 15493
Max ATK: 10523 (+3575) - 14098 (16918)
Max SPD: 215.40 (+75.65) - 291.05
SS (26 turn): Ice Meteor SS (10% chance of sleep)
Bump: Homing 12 (3075)

Sadly, there are no Demon bosses with warps in their dungeons. In terms of Fire dungeons with warps, there are Kirara and Wyatt. Also dungeons with mainly warps don't have Demon mobs. Most use he is going to have right now is as an ascension material.

Sesame (Wood 4* - Savage)
[Evo - Link]
Class: Vivolith
Hit: Bounce
Type: Power
Ability: Null Gravity Barrier
Max HP: 11287 (+2460) - 13747
Max ATK: 18067 (+6150) - 24217
Max SPD: 117.83 (+41.65) - 159.48
SS (22 turns): Wall Bouncing SS
Bump: Mega Blast (5357)

Bounce, wood, and NGB... Perfect for Yamato Takeru. He also has a blast bump to proc other bump combos like Hunter King and Kushinada. His SS can deal a lot of damage to the last two bars if you position right. It might not one shot it since he has low SPD cause he is a Power type and the multiplier is different than the likes of Hunter King.

Marida (Light 5* - Extreme)
[Evo - Link]
Class: Demon Mencer
Hit: Pierce
Type: Balance
Ability: Demon Mencer Slayer M
Max HP: 19159 (+3900) - 23059
Max ATK: 14555 (+4975) - 19530
Max SPD: 243.87 (+86.70) - 330.57
SS (30 turns): Lightning Meteor SS
Bump: Vertical Laser L (12312)
[Asc - Link]
Class: Demon Mencer
Hit: Pierce
Type: Balance
Ability: Demon Mencer Slayer
Gauge: Null Warp
Max HP: 17975 (+4200) - 22175
Max ATK: 15616 (+5325) - 20941 (25130)
Max SPD: 228.27 (+80.75) - 309.02
SS (30 turns): Lightning Meteor SS
Bump: Vertical Laser L (12312)
Sub: Homing 8 (2583)

Materials Needed
Pre -> Ascend: Roc (3) / Camel (3)
Evo -> Ascend: Roc (2) / Camel (2)

Well this never happened since Lilith and Astaroth lol. My recommendation is ascension just because of the Null Warp. The multiplier in the Slayers are different (evolve being higher) which makes the evo's bump combo have a higher power (24k) compared to ascend with only 18k . Basically a mini Godstriker bump combo but the width is smaller. However, if we are talking about normal attack power, it is not that much different. Evolve has 39060 ATK after everything where as ascend has 37695 ATK.

There are some Demon Mencer bosses with warps in them which is why I recommend the ascend version. First is Zhang Jue. She is not a bad NW max luck since she has a 15 turn Command SS (and she is pierce). Mainly for mob clearing for that SS. Next one is Vanilla which has a 4 turn SS and a very good NDW monster. Plus her dungeon is relatively easy to max luck.

Sandman (Dark 4* - Savage)
[Evo - Link]
Class: Demon
Hit: Bounce
Type: Blast
Ability: Sprite Slayer M
Gauge: Null Damage Wall
Max HP: 11192 (+2460) - 13652
Max ATK: 11643 (+3975) - 15618 (18742)
Max SPD: 213.40 (+74.80) - 288.20
SS (16 turns): Bash and knock up
Bump: Vertical Laser L (13259)

There a ton of sprite bosses for Sandman. For Extreme , it is Jack and Zashiki Warashi which both have damage walls in their dungeon. Also he is very good for Murasame. Although he won't be useful in all the Murasame dungeons, he is useful in Dark and Light which are the most important ones. The bad part is that he does have 4* monster level stats, especially in the HP department. The way to use him effectively is basically playing him like a one way laser monster since his laser procs his slayer which does 26k to the above bosses. Also you can use his SS to position as well.

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