Wednesday, January 25, 2017

[Global] SFGundam's Nirai Kanai Pep Talk

Well the next Colossal, Nirai Kanai is around the corner! Check Strikeshot for a general walkthrough of the dungeon:

I've also done some videos as well:

This blog is mainly talking about the little things about the dungeon from team comps, tricks and what to do and not do. So I might be either scaring you guys or comforting you lol.

Warning: I'll say it now. I'm writing this guide for a general audience. Of course there is proof that one monster is good or not good but not everyone will be able to replicate it. There are stuff that I will recommend people to do/not do due to their potential ability or monsters in the game. I don't mean to offend anyone but this dungeon is not for everyone. If you don't have the monsters, then there is always next time when he comes back and your box has improved.


Avalon VS Nirai Kanai
One big comparison everyone will make is the difficulty between the Colossal we currently have. Unfortunately, Avalon is not a great measuring stick on how well you do in Nirai Kanai. People who are very good in pinching in Avalon/Yamato Takeru might have a hard time in Nirai Kanai and vice versa. Or if you are good in both then you are off to a good start!

A Different Mindset
The most difficult thing in Nirai Kanai is the mindset you need to have during the dungeon. Up to now, you will be hitting your allies for Bump Combos. That will never work in Nirai Kanai. You will have to get out of that mindset of hitting allies and just focus on going straight to the enemies. A perfect horizontal/vertical on an enemy is always better than hitting allies for Bump Combos, no matter what Bump Combo they have (yes, even Gabby's). 

Hardly Any OPs
One of the reasons why Nirai Kanai is going to be hard is because there are not many OPs that the JP version have. It is basically beating Izanami: Zero without Raff (Trans) and D'Artagnyan (Asc) or Daikoku without Royce (Trans). If you don't have any experience in beating those dungeons without OPs then you are most likely going to have a hard time in Nirai Kanai.

Monsters and Team Comp

I am going to split the viable monsters in a couple of groups and recommend the amount of each group you should bring in the dungeon.

The OP (0 ~ 1 max)
- Gabby (Ascension)

Yes, there is only one OP for Nirai Kanai. The main reason is her Meteor SS. It is really effective in the last Boss bar. Her meteor can mob clear the bottom side and if you use it onto Nirai Kanai himself, the damage will stack triple due to the Harpoon and Barrier on him. If you don't have a lot of experience beating Impossibles or Colossals, then you must have one in your team. I don't recommend dupes because there is no real point of multiple Meteor SS.

The Regulars (stack as many as you can, dupes are welcomed)
- Snow Bow White (Evolution)
- Dead Rabbits Ltd. (Ascension)
- Cu Chuliann (Evolution)
- Gabby (Evolution)*

Gabby is the only one on this list where you would not want to have a dupe in. The dungeon is all about Pierce monsters. Her bump combo will be great against the mobs but you will lack a lot of Boss damage since she can't do much without her SS. If you have a dupe, might as well Ascend her to make runs smoother. The other 3 monsters have really good SS in dealing Boss damage, especially Cu Chu and Snow Bow. In terms of priority within this category, I don't see much drop off if you bring one over the other. You might want to avoid having 2 or more Dead Rabbits but that is just a personal preference.

Support/Utility (0 ~ 2, do not bring dupes) 
- Nibelung (Evolution)
- Parvati (Ascension)
- Dear Lotta
- Scheherazade (Evolution)

I would rather have you bring a max of 1 monster in this category but it doesn't make the run extremely hard if you do. Just like with Asc Gabby, there is real no point of having 2 Nibelung SS or 2 Dear Lotta SS. It is great that you can stall with Nibelung SS twice or Boost with Dear Lotta twice but your overall damage goes down significantly (especially with Dear Lotta).

Off Picks (0 ~ 1 max)
- Kushinada
- Valkyrie (Transcension)
- Benkei (Ascension)
- Belphegor (Ascension)

There are different reasons why these 4 are on this list. Kush, Valk and Belphegor have two things in common: Bounce but has a lot of damage. Benkei is a Pierce NGB monster but he is mostly a filler. Bring these monsters if you absolutely have no one else (and that includes the ML/Farmable monsters). Just make sure you don't bring a Bounce monster in this category if you have Evo Gabby on your team already.

Max Lucks / Farmables
My general rule in farming is to bring at max 2 ML monsters. You generally don't have enough damage later on when you compare to Hatcher monsters. Of course you can always be bald and go with more, especially if you have ML Kushinada.

- Diaochan
The great debate of which Diaochan is better for Nirai Kanai. Ascension is the better form. The main reason is her SS. She can use it to directly attack the Boss for a lot of damage. Asc also have a Blast Bump to proc the likes of Gabby and Snow White for more damage.

- Zhang Jiao
Both forms are great. It is hard to say which one is better since they both serve different purposes on your team. Evo will be your Boss damage and Asc will be your mob clear. I suggest go with Evo if you have Gabby (either form) on your team.

- Serket (Evolution)
She is a great damage dealer with her SS. It is the same as Snow Bow. 

What About This Monster?
Here is a list of monsters I have been asked before and reasons why they are not in the above categories.

- Snow Bow White (Ascension)
The Ascension form is a viable pick for Nirai Kanai. But why would you bring Asc when you can just slide her to Evolution. Evo SS is just too good to pass up even though Asc has Water Resistance. This is also not like with Gabby where both have different strengths in the dungeon. Also it is not like you get diminishing returns if you stack more Evo Snow White since Bump Combos are not your main damage source.

- Heracles (Ascension)
Sure Heracles has a Dragon Slayer which is great for Nirai Kanai and Aqua Wyrms but he is foremost a Bounce monster. He will deal last damage than Pierce monsters even with the Slayer. Also his SS and Bump Combos are Laser-types. There are Laser Barriers around the Boss for the most part so he can't even rely on that to deal damage (notice that most of the monsters above have non-Laser Bumps). 

- Bootstrap Jack
He is a Global exclusive so he has not been taken into Nirai Kanai. I will try him out when he comes and give you results but for now, I don't recommend you bring him unless you want to try him yourself. Note that the TW version have him as well but he doesn't have the same kit as the Global version.


I for one am not a person that think you need certain Ableberries to beat dungeons. However I know people will be asking which ones are the best so here it is:

#1 - Style Ableberries
It is a very easy decision. Since your damage in the dungeon is based off your Stats, you need Ableberries that boost them. Style ones are the best since you are mostly stacking Pierce monsters. In between the 3, I suggest Kinstrength > Kinspeed > Kinvigor. 

#2 - Survivor
A no-brainer since you will be taking a lot of damage and that it is a No Heart dungeon. Of course they don't help in the Gravity attack but at least it will mitigate all the other ones.

#3 - Cutthroat
Nirai Kanai does have a lot of HP. However your damage is inflated in the dungeon so you are technically taking down a 3-5 million HP Boss. Therefore I don't find the immediate need of a Cutthroat

#4 - Sidekick
This is only for Gabby (both forms) and Valkyrie so it is pretty low in this ranking.

As for the others, there is not that much priority in them. Of course the more Kin berries the merrier. Just make sure that they stack (aka different types of them).

The Loop Hit

Most players will experience this the first time. Some may have seen/done it in Izanami: Zero (second mini boss). 

What is It?
This is specifically to Pierce monsters. This is where Pierce monsters move through Bosses within its Hitbox (with the help of blocks) for massive damage!. The monster will not reduce SPD like they do when hitting an enemy but they will still do damage. 

How To Do It?
You can only do it in the Last Boss Stage. Most players will position for it in the previous stage. You can always do it during the Last Stage since the Barrier slows you down. However, you need to know how fast your monster is. For an example, check this video:

Parvati can help you get a Loop Hit easily. The reasons why is because she has a Null Block on her gauge and a Bash SS. You Bash SS (with Null Block) on top of the Block on whichever side is easier. Once it is her turn again, just miss her Null Block gauge and you will get a Loop Hit! For an example, check this video:


Like I said in the beginning, this dungeon is not for everyone. Of course you can always try (if you meet the ML requirements) but I wouldn't go about spending loads of stamina/orbs just for that "one lucky run". 

As for me, I will be trying out Bootstrap to see if he is somewhat useful. As for my subs, I will be using Valkyrie (Trans) and Dead Rabbits (Asc).

Good luck with your runs and drops!


  1. So, how does a team comp of 2x Snow bow, Nibelung, and Belphagor sound?

    1. Pretty sure you can win with that team - speed ups are always welcome

    2. Yeah, I'm running it with my brother who plays JP and NA. He says that Nirai is less of a hassle than Avalon because it's more pierce through your enemies as opposed to pinching with weird hitboxes that are Neo Galaxons.

    3. Not saying Nirai will be easy of course.

  2. Benkei should be Evo not Asc.
