Friday, March 17, 2017

[JP] Monster Strike News (03/17)

It is time for a new challenge.... maybe one that people don't want (lol).
モンストニュース 新爆絶降臨!

33 Million Download Campaign

Daily Orbs, Stoans and Sharls
Time: 03/21 - 03/30 (10 days)

Mission Revamp
Week 1: 03/20 - 03/27
- Clear 10 Event Quests = 1 Light Dragon Gem
- Clear 20 Event Quests = 1 Light Dragon Gem
- Clear 30 Event Quests = 2 Orbs
- Clear 3 Daily Quests = 1 Divine Sharl
- Clear All Weekly Missions = 3 Orbs

Week 2: 03/27 - 4/3
- Clear 10 Event Quests = 1 Dark Dragon Gem
- Clear 20 Event Quests = 1 Dark Dragon Gem
- Clear 30 Event Quests = 2 Orbs
- Clear 3 Daily Quests = 1 Divine Sharl
- Clear All Weekly Missions = 3 Orbs

Reduced Stamina and x4 EXP in Library
Time: 03/21 - 04/01

Gold Hatcher Returns
Time: 03/21 12PM - 03/30 11:59AM

100,000 Gold per roll

- Expies and Depluxies
- Mormite. Mormite S, Mormite X
- Morlyfe. Morlyfe S, Morlyfe X
- Morquik. Morquik S, Morquik X

1/2 Stmaina in Daily DungeonsTime: 03/25 - 03/26

Mega Fuse-a-Thon
Time: 03/25 - 03/26

x3 Rate on Divine Sharls
Time: 03/25 - 03/26

New Colossal - Mag Mell

モンストニュース 新爆絶降臨! 木属性「マグ・メル」
Time: 03/24 8:15PM - 10:15PM

M4 will be challenging her during that time as well. Also expect next week's MS News to be during that stream.

New Transcension - Jeanne d'Arc

モンストニュース 獣神化! ジャンヌ・ダルクイラスト
Time: 03/21 3PM

Type: Blast
Sling: Bounce
Ability: Regen / Null Gravity Barrier
Gauge: Null Warp
Luck Skill: Bump Combo Critical
SS (16+8): Passes through enemies while attacking and increases the grade of items on screen.
Bump: Energy Circle L
Sub: ATK Up

- Regen heals 2000 HP every turn (even if it is not Jeanne's turn). It stacks with other Jeannes on your team as well as Mend Ableberry. Regen does not activate if Jeanne is in Ghost form in Individual HP Dungeons
- ATK Up gives allies who hit her 1.15x damage for the shot.

Season 2 of Anime

April 1st marks the Season 2 for Monster Strike the Anime!

Ren and Co. will meet a new exchange student named Mana. First episode of Season 2 will be an extended 10 minute episode

Also, there will be a special 15-min special called "The Long Sought-After Paradise". It will be released on March 25th.

Monster Strike x Powerful Pro Baseball


Queen Butterflight and other monsters will be entering the world of Powerful Pro Baseball!

There will also be a Powerful Pro Baseball monster that will come in Monster Strike as a present (aka free gift from mail).


  1. MStrike, I did not use multiple accounts in the MS Wiki, I honestly have no idea what happened. If you will not unblock me, then I shall ask my question here. How do you edit

  2. Hi, all is going sound here and of course every one is sharing facts, that’s really fine, keep up writing.
