Friday, May 13, 2016

[JP] Monster Strike News (05/13)

Welcome to this week's MS News! Last week just had the announcement of Sanada Yukimura's Transcension so not much to talk about. This week however there is a lot!

35 Million Download Worldwide Campaign

X Awakens 3: 5/16 ~

X Awakens 4: 5/17 ~

Limited Dungeon Revival: 5/18 - 6/1
Undead Dragon:
Princess Sakuya:
Tokugawa Yoshimune:
Niconico TV-chan:
Yokozuna Kokuho:
Light Noel:
Wood Noel:
Fire Noel (Secret Stage from Light/Wood):

They will come in 3 hour slots throughout the event. Everyday there will be 2 or 3 limited dungeons.

Farmable Ableberry Festival: 5/21 - 6/1

Solwing / Solwing X / Fenrir / Fenrir X / Marie Antoinette / Zenigata / Jiraiya  / Medusa / Typhon / Slash / Origa / Bright Blight / Dark Wyrm / Visceron / Tokugawa Yoshinobu / Orochimaru / Tengu / Vendetta / Louis XIII / Momotaro

The dungeons will give out x5 EXP (11000 on Extreme).

Other Campaigns
Origami Returns: 5/27 noon - 6/2 noon
Upgraded Weekly Rewards: weeks of 5/16 - 5/23 and 5/23 - 5/30
Daily Orbs with Sharls/Stoans/Dragon Gems: 5/14 - 5/28
1/2 Stamina in Temple: 5/21 - 5/27
Gold Hatcher: 5/16 - 5/27
+10 Luck Bonus: 5/14 - 5/15
Mega Fuse-a-Thon: 5/14 - 5/15
x3 Divine Showdown: 5/14 - 5/15
1/2 Stamina in Daily Maxpies: 5/14 - 5/15

New Transcension: Aladdin

He will be released in the end of May. No stats are confirmed yet. Below is Sanada's that gets released along with him.

XFlag Park & Monster Strike Grand Prix

XFlag Park is a convention of XFlag's 3 mobile games: Monster Strike, Marvel Tsum Tsum, and Black Knight Strikers.

It is a free event but you have to apply for a chance to get into the event.

The main part of the convention will be this year's Monster Strike Grand Prix.

This year will have 16 teams from all over Japan competing with a 50 million yen prize pool. 20 million yen (~180,000 USD).

Monster Strike Stadium Update

There will be 3 new stages added from May 13.

The Ranking Battle event will start from May 16. 


  1. What does farmable abbleberry festival mean? Are the monsters in those extreme quests able to use abbleberries now? I'm an NA player that is still relatively new to JP. Anything that is not in NA I'm still learning.

    1. Yes, some farmables can carry Ableberries. However you need to fuse two ML of that monster to unlock it.
