Friday, May 29, 2015

[JP] Genpei War Event Monster Stats! (Updated: 6/13)

Starting June 3rd (JST), there will be a new event batch! This time the theme is about the Genpei War. This batch will be like the Three Musketeers in that the hatcher monsters will be separated to different hatchers instead of having one for themselves. Therefore, I will be update this post once the other monsters come.

Time to get to the monsters!

Saturday, May 23, 2015

[Guide] Creator of Earth and Sea - Izanagi Complete Guide!

Well Izanagi comes in less than 2 days! I usually do a commentary video whenever a new Impossible is coming out but I think doing a written guide makes it more complete and easier to follow.

I will be talking about monster, the dungeon, and viable monsters to the very very last detail!

Saturday, May 16, 2015

[Max Luck] #4: The Impossibles!

Time for Part 4 of the Max Luck series! This part we focus on the best max lucks for Impossible dungeons. With Izanagi coming to NA, it is time to get ready to plan!

If this is your first time reading my max luck series, I omit limited monsters, collaboration monsters, and of course impossible monsters.

Lets get started!

Friday, May 15, 2015

[JP] New Event - Wandering Desperado!

Well it is time to introduce the new hatcher batch for JP. The theme is Thieves (hatcher monsters) vs. Police (descend monsters)!

Event starts on May 18th JST and ends on May 26th JST!

Lets take a look on the three 5* hatcher monsters and the two 5* descend monsters!

Thursday, May 14, 2015

[NA] Ancient Symdra Guide!

Sorry for not posting much on this blog, making videos takes enough time from me and my daily shenanigans outside of that are just going into normal dungeons and plus farming.


NA MS has released their latest Tribune and it lets you get a very special monster called the Ancient Symdra. This monster is very unique in terms of ascension materials and can't be get once the event is over!!!

This post will tell you about the monster and how to ascend him!