Fire - Gargoyle (Asc)
Class: Demon
Hit: Bounce
Type: Balance
Ability: Flight
Gauge: Null Damage Wall
Max HP: 22101
Max ATK: 20349
Max SPD: 332.43
SS (15): Bash first enemy and spreadshot
Bump: Homing 18 (3294)
Sub: Ex Laser S (2706)
Recommended Monsters
Queen Butterflight
Marie Antoinette
Non-Wood NGB monsters
Leads To
Da Vinci
Relatively easy dungeon due to the fact you have a wide range of viable monsters. Also people will most likely have a max luck Queen Butterflight so farming will be efficient.
As for her stats, she (evolved form is a he) is very useful for the last 2 sets of normal dungeons (in JP) for farming. She can also do Ashura.
Other NDW Fire Bosses
Hydra (Evo): Technically he has a null warp which makes him viable for more dungeons than Gargoyle. However with his low stats, he can't really be a carry in harder dungeons.
Water - Louis the 13th (Evo)
Class: Paladin
Hit: Bounce
Type: Balance
Ability: Fire Resist
Gauge: Null Damage Wall
Ability: Fire Resist
Gauge: Null Damage Wall
Max HP: 22986
Max ATK: 20318
Max SPD: 328.52
Max ATK: 20318
Max SPD: 328.52
SS (18): Shoot a giant laser at targeted direction
Bump: Homing 18 (3294)
Recommended Monsters
Tokugawa Yoshinobu (Evo)
Jack (Evo)
Belphegor (Asc)
Genghis Khan
Non-Fire Null Warp monsters
Leads To
There are a lot of Water NDW monsters in the pool but she is the best generalist out of all of them. She is probably the easier ones to beat with only one main gimmick and places to pinch.
You can bring her to many fire dungeons due to her Fire Resist (25% reduction) and with decent mob clear with her Homing. She is a very nice max luck to bring to Ashura.
Other NDW Water Bosses
Okita Soji (Asc): Louis does better in those dungeons because of stat difference and Fire Resist but Okita is a better max luck for Ashura
Dracula (Asc): Not a bad NDW Water monster due to high stats. However his dungeon is relatively harder and his bump combo is mediocre. His SS does do more damage than Louis though.
Wood - Jiraiya (Asc)
Class: Demihume
Hit: Bounce
Type: Balance
Ability: Null Damage Wall
Max HP: 23341
Max ATK: 24903
Max SPD: 328.62
SS (26): Becomes larger when attacking enemies and knock up
Bump: Lock-on Shockwave 6 (18562)
Sub: Homing 8 (2583)
Recommended Monsters
Agnamut X (Asc)
Osiris (Evo)
Grey (Evo)
Non-Water NW or MS monsters
Leads To
Da Vinci
Yamato Takeru
Okita Soji
Jiraiya gets the top spot purely on the point that he is the most easiest out of all the other bosses. The other 2 (which I will point out below) are on par with Vendetta in terms of difficulty so it might not be practical for people to max luck
However, Jiraiya is not half bad, he is a nice stat spot and he can do two Impossible dungeons.
Other NDW Wood Bosses
Giga Mantis (Evo): Nice stats (little low on HP though), Lightning Meteor SS, and Cross Laser bump. However, his dungeon is painfully hard and trying to farm with max luck makes it even harder. He is number #1 for Bishamonten though.
Poltergeist (Evo): A little harder than Jiraiya but I think she just need practice so maybe you will have a better time farming her. She has a Flight on top of her NDW and she is a homing bot.
Light - Cavaletta (Asc)
Class: Demihume
Hit: Bounce
Type: Balance
Ability: Null Damage Wall
Max HP: 18158
Max ATK: 25871
Max SPD: 278.33
SS (26): Command SS
Bump: Giga Blast (7499)
Sub: Ex Laser S (2706)
Recommended Monsters
Okita Soji (Asc)
Taki Yashashime (Asc)
Pierce NDW monster
Leads To
Da Vinci
She is relatively hard just because of the limited pool of good farmable monsters for her. However, 4 Taki Yashahime will make quick work of her so I would say it is not a terribly hard dungeon.
Now most people recommend the Evo version over Asc. There are viable points like the extra ability, attacking bump combo, and lower speed on Asc. But I like Asc better just because she is both a support role with her Blast and an attacker role with her SS.
Other NDW Light Bosses
Fenrir (Evo): Nice stats, double ability, and homing. However it is hard to farm with all max luck monsters (except like 4 Izanami) so I picked Cavaletta over him.
Dark - Taki Yashahime (Asc)
Class: Demon Mencer
Hit: Pierce
Type: Speed
Ability: Null Damage Wall
Max HP: 21481
Max ATK: 23062
Max SPD: 386.32
SS (20): AOE damage to first contacted enemy
Bump: Energy Circle M (9471)
Sub: Ex Laser S (2706)
Recommended Monsters
Tengu (Asc)
Serket (Asc)
Cleopatra (Asc)
Liu Bei (Asc)
NGB monsters
Leads To
Da Vinci
I would say she is the best monster to max luck in the NDW department and Top 3 out of the Extreme bosses. Good stats, high damage SS, and surprising good damage bump.
She also leads into a lot, and I mean A LOT (I only listed the important ones) of extreme bosses. Not to mention her dungeon is not hard once you get use to it.
Other NDW Dark Bosses
Vanilla (Asc): She is a very good NDW monster because of her 4 turn SS. You can choose to be pierce or bounce when she is her turn.
Visceron (Evo): Good stats and non-random Homing. Nice for mob clear over the other dark NDW monsters
Yeti (Evo): Supportive blast and mob clear Meteor SS. She also have high speed to hit her SS as well.
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