Ascension Material For
Jack (2)
Raphael (4) - Monster not in NA yet
Hikari (1) - Ascension not in NA yet
Damage Wall (mainly partial) - Main gimmick
Laser Barrier
Other Notes
Although Dracula is a water boss, his mobs are fire. Therefore, it is not recommended to bring a full team of wood monsters. Dracula is also a fiend monster. He does have a OHKO attack (bottom right CD)
Useful Hatcher Monsters
Yggdrasil - Wood and NDW monster. She also has a mob clear SS.
Uesugi Kenshin (Asc) - NDW and Fire Slayer. Mainly for mob clearing.
Independence (Evo) - Your go to Fiend Slayer L
Athena (Evo) - NDW and Fire Resist. Her bump combo can ignore the laser barrier as well.
Useful Farmables
Kushinada - Wood and Plasma. She can mob clear with her SS and her plasma is not wood type for mobs
Flor - Wood and Fiend Slayer L.
Jiraiya (Asc) - Wood and NDW. His bump combo can deal damage to mobs
Okita Soji (Asc) - Water and NDW. His homing can mob clear
My Team
Vanilla (Asc) / Kushinada / Eclipse (Asc)
Vanilla is my max luck choice for this dungeon. Her 4 turn CD SS can work well with Kushinada's plasma. Eclipse is good for higher HP and mob clear SS.
Jack / Astaroth / Vendetta / Ashura (Impossible) / Bishamonten (Impossible) / Surtr
Although he has a good number of dungeons he is viable for, he doesn't really have a dungeon he is top tier for. Okita Soji and Louis the 13th are better Water NDW monsters, Mainly because those two have a second ability and that their dungeons are relatively easier. Therefore, I don't really recommend to max luck this guy.
Ascension Material For
Dracula (3)
Cleopatra (3)
Uriel (1)
Damage Wall - main gimmick
Homing Suckers
Other Notes:
His mobs are mainly fire, like Dracula. He is also a sprite so Surtr and Michelangelo are possible good monsters. However, there are no laser barriers so Laser type bumps are more welcomed. He also only has 2 bars for the boss stage.
Useful Hatcher Monsters
Uesugi Kenshin (Asc) - NDW and Fire Slayer. Mainly for mob clearing.
Athena (Evo) - NDW and Fire Resist.
Verdandi - Water and NDW.
Kirigakure Saizo - Water and NDW
Useful Farmables
Bastet (Evo) - NDW and Sprite Slayer
Surtr (Evo) - Sprite Slayer
Dracula - Water and NDW
Vanilla - Dark and NDW
My Team
Vanilla (Asc) / Oda Nobunaga / Kushinada
Kushinada and Vanilla made it again since it is basically the same as Dracula. I could use Eclipse for Oda but there are more mobs in general in Jack than Dracula so a command SS and a higher speed monster is better.
Kushinada (Impossible) / Vanilla / Tsukuyomi (Impossible) / Tokugawa Yoshinobu / Dark Murasame (Special)
He is one of the most versatile farmables in the game. I 100% recommend people to max luck him if they can. The dungeon is harder than the likes of Queen Butterflight and Deathscoil but it is not that bad. At least not Vendetta bad lol
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