Saturday, May 23, 2015

[Guide] Creator of Earth and Sea - Izanagi Complete Guide!

Well Izanagi comes in less than 2 days! I usually do a commentary video whenever a new Impossible is coming out but I think doing a written guide makes it more complete and easier to follow.

I will be talking about monster, the dungeon, and viable monsters to the very very last detail!


Class: Deity
Hit: Bounce
Type: Balance
Ability: All Resistance
Gauge: Null Damage Wall / Sprite Slayer
Max HP: 13786 (+3900) - 17686 (21407 after buff)
Max ATK: 17033 (+5825) - 22858
Max SPD: 219.67 (+78.20) - 297.87 (311.00 after buff)
SS (21 turns): Giant Laser (more powerful after buff)
Bump: Ex Laser EL (12312)

General Thoughts
On paper, he is really powerful. In fact he is. His All Resistance lets him take 25% less damage from ALL attributes (he still takes the 30% more damage from Dark but that is reduced by 25%). He also has a major null ability in NDW plus a Slayer as a bonus. His bump combo can hit a lot of monsters at once and since the area is big, it is easy to hit.

However, when you first get him, his stats are pretty low. He has less HP than Kushinada and Yamato Takeru which are on a lower tier in HP. His speed is mediocre for a Balance type as well. His giant laser SS is at the 600-700k level. Once the giant buff comes him, his stats goes up by a lot. His SS also goes to 1mil level.

Overall, he is a viable monster for all dungeons that have damage walls. He takes less damage from all attributes as well. However, he is not a carry type of monster, someone that can help you clear a dungeon with less viable monsters. Mainly due to the fact that his SS can't deal over 1 million damage and his bump combo is a hit or miss even with the giant area it can deal.

There are some dungeons where his Sprite Slayer becomes really useful. These includes Jack and Zashiki Warashi. However the main one is for Dark Murasame. Murasame is a Sprite and Dark. That being said, that dungeon you would want to bring max luck since you are farming for tickets. Max lucking an Impossible monster is not viable for most people and there are better max luck monsters for it in Surtr. Either way, for the non-hardcore, he is one of the top 5 in that dungeon.

Other dungeons he is useful in: Visceron, Da Vinci, Lilith

Dungeon Guide
Gimmicks: Warp, Damage Wall, Poison, Drone, Movement

Floor 1
Monster Attacks:
[Mech Birds]
Bottom Left: Rebounding Laser
Bottom Right: Warp
Top Right: Damage Wall
Top Right: Homing
Bottom Right: White Explosion (not OHKO)
Note: Concordi Slayer

Pinch between the Bird and Demon like in Yamato Takeru.

Non-NW monsters can get into a warp and hope to appear in the middle of one set.

Floor 2
Monster Attacks:
Top Left: Movement
Top Right: Warp
Bottom Left: White Explosion
Bottom Right: Poison Shockwave
Note: Demihume Slayer
Top Left: Damage Wall
Top Right: Movement
Bottom Left: White Explosion
Bottom Right: Poison Spray

First turn, try to pinch between one mob and the wall.

Focus on dealing damage to one mob at a time.

Floor 3
Monster Attacks:
[Izanami: 2 Million HP]
Top Left: Rebounding Laser
Top Right: Spread Shot
Bottom Right: Ex Laser
Bottom Left: ?? (you are probably dead before you get to this)
Top: Ex Laser
Left: Close Spread Shot
Bottom: Explosion
Right: Rebounding Laser
Top Right: Revive
Top Right: Warp
Partical DW

Depending on your positioning, focus fire on Bahamut if most of your team is in the top left. If most of your monsters are in the bottom right, go for Izanami. Just like the original Izanami dungeon, Zombies will not revive Bahamut. Avoid the Ex Laser and you should be fine.

Floor 4
Monster Attacks:
[Kushinada: 1.7 Million HP]
Top Left: Warp
Top Right: OHKO
Bottom Left: Revive
Bottom Right: Cross Laser
Top Right: Stun Meteor
Bottom Right: Lock-On Laser
Top Left: Lock-On Laser
Top Right: Close Spread Shot

This is the easier floor. Use this floor to stall for turns if needed. All you need to do is to avoid the Cross Laser and to do ok amount of mob clear.

Floor 5
Monster Attacks:
[Yamato Takeru: 1.7 Million HP]
Top Left: Meteor
Top Right: Cross Laser
Bottom Left: Lock-On Laser (OHKO)
Bottom Right: Lock-On Laser
[Mech Birds]
Bottom Left: Damage Wall
Bottom Right: Rebounding Laser
Top Right: Homing
Bottom Left: Warp
Bottom Right: White Explosion (OHKO)

Pinch between the demon and mech birds to take them out. Avoid Yamato's Cross Laser. Don't be afraid to use strike shots in this floor.

Floor 6
Monster Attacks:
Bottom Left: White Explosion

Kill the turtle right away. Each turn, it will deal 45k worth of damage. It has low HP so it won't take more than one turn.

Floor 7
Monster Attacks:
[Izanagi: 3 Million HP]
Top Left: Bomb Spread Shot
Top Right; Rebounding Laser
Bottom Left: Close Spread Shot
Bottom Right: ??
Top Right: Movement
Bottom Left: White Explosion
Bottom Right: Poison Shockwave
Note: Demihume Slayer
Top Right: Movement
Bottom Left: White Explosion
Bottom Right: Poison Spray
Damage Wall+Warp

If you have Kushinada, make sure you take care of the Fellmane first. Overall, this floor is not that hard unless you get unlucky with hearts.

Floor 8
Monster Attacks:
[Izanagi: 5.1 Million HP]
Top Left: Meteor
Top Right: Explosion+Spread Shot
Bottom Left: White Explosion
Bottom Right: Explosion+Movement
Top Right: Movement
Bottom Left: White Explosion
Bottom Right: Poison Shockwave
Note: Demihume Slayer
Top Right: Movement
Bottom Left: White Explosion
Bottom Right: Poison Spray
Damage Wall+Warp

Before you enter the stage, make sure your monsters are on the bottom side of the map! He will do his White Explosion attack that takes up the top half first which does 12.5k damage to one monster and 20k to every other one.

Damage towards Fellmane and Visceron are will go towards Izanagi (it won't go to each other). Use Meteor type SS to deal double damage to Izanagi! However, if both of the mobs fall, Izanagi will go to Rage Mode and every attack then on will be amplify (to almost OHKO level).

Izanagi also moves so that you have a super tight corridor between him and the wall. If you have a wall bouncing SS, use that to your advantage.

Viable Monsters
Since this guide is for NA users, I will only feature ones that are only out in NA.

Hatcher Monsters
Eclipse (Asc)
Abilities: NDW+NW
SS: Meteor
- He deals with the gimmicks and his SS can be use to deal lots of damage on the last stage!

Lancelot (Asc)
Abilities: NDW+NW
SS: Become pierce type
- Deals with the gimmicks and his SS can get heart items when needed. He also take less damage from Izanami which is one of the harder floors.

Aladdin (Evo)
Abilities: NDW+NW
SS: Counter
Bump: Rebounding Laser
- Deals with the gimmicks and his bump can do efficient mob clear which is crucial in Floor 2. It is also not a bad DPS source

Saigo Takamori (Asc)
Abilities: Light Slayer
SS: Wall Bouncing
- Although he doesn't deal with the gimmicks, his SS can one shot the last stage. He also have HP for the team

Farmable Monsters
Izanami (Evo)
Abilities: NW
SS: Meteor
Bump: Rebounding Laser
- Deals with the main gimmick of the dungeon. Good DPS from his bump and a meteor SS for the last stage

Yamato Takeru (Evo)
Abilities: NDW+NW
SS: Become a pierce monster
Bump: Lock-On OWL EL
- Deals with the main gimmicks. His SS can get hearts if needed and his bump is a nice DPS source.

Nurarihyon X (Evo)
Abilities: NW+Deity Slayer
SS: Bash+Knock Up
- Deals with the main gimmick. She is a Deity Slayer which is Izanami and Izanagi. Her SS CD is low enough to be used in both Izanami and Izanagi.

Lilith (Evo)
Abilities: NW
SS: Meteor
- Deals with the main gimmick. She has a meteor SS for the last bar.

Fenrir (Evo)
Abilities: NDW+NW
- Deals with the gimmicks of the dungeon.

Hydra (Evo)
Abilities: NDW+NW
- Deals with the gimmicks of the dungeon.

Caution Monsters
Sarutobi Sasuke (Evo)
Abilities: NDW+NW
Caution: Demihume
- He deals with the gimmicks of the dungeon. However, he is a Demihume which Fellmane will deal crazy damage to him.

Kushinada (Evo)
Abilities: NDW
SS: Command SS
Bump: Plasma
- She is a good DPS source and can deal with one of the gimmicks of the dungeon. Again, she is a Demihume which Fellmane will have a field day with her. She also have low HP.

Kii (Evo)
Abilities: Deity Slayer L
SS: AOE Blast
Caution: Concordi
- She is a Deity Slayer L with a very powerful SS. She can basically take 2/3 of the last bar with it. However she is a Concordi which the demons on the first stage and Yamato stage are Slayer for. She also doesn't deal with the gimmicks so you have to drag her to the last bar.

Final Words
As for team comp is concern, just stack monsters with high HP and can deal with the gimmicks. If you don't have the likes of Eclipse and Aladdin, replace it with Izanami and Nura X. If you don't have any of the monsters listed above, it is best to skip this dungeon until you do.

Difficulty-wise, I rate this between Izanami and Yamato Takeru. However, if you can't beat Yamato (or at least the floors leading up to the final boss), you will have terrible time in Izanagi. This is a more luck reliant version of Yamato Takeru. The luck depends on hearts showing up as well as where your monsters end up after shots (kind of mechanic based but requires some luck too). Also, the range of viable monsters are bigger than all the previous Impossibles. That being said, there are no ideal or guarantee winning teams like the previous ones.

You guys can check my stable/farm team video! 

Good luck to everyone!

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