NA MS has released their latest Tribune and it lets you get a very special monster called the Ancient Symdra. This monster is very unique in terms of ascension materials and can't be get once the event is over!!!
This post will tell you about the monster and how to ascend him!
Ancient Symdra
Class: Dragon
Hit: BounceType: Speed
Ability: Flight/Null Gravity Barrier
Max HP: 14263 (+4200)
Max ATK: 19417 (+925)
Max SPD: 421.80 (+8.50)
SS: Speed Up, Power Up and big damage to Deities (x1.5)
Bump: Homing Piercer 8 (2342)Sub: Energy Circle S (2970)
Not a bad monster to have (especially for a free one). Decent attack, high speed, and good mob clear with bump combos. The bad part is his low HP and the uses for his SS. He also has low + thresholds.
Dungeons For Him
Water, NGB, plus a Deity Slayer (well on his SS...), sign him up for Izanami!
Of course he is not in the league of Margarite and Napoleon in terms of viability, but he is not a bad choice as a decent filler and or last spot.
I would go as far as putting him over Queen Butterflight unless that QB is a max luck. There are some merits to QB over Symdra. First of all is the HP difference which can mean a big deal to some players. Second, QB can SS the shield on the 3rd bar and be in position to pinch between Izanami's head and the wall on the last bar. Now on the reverse side, Symdra has the same high speed as QB to reach ally monsters for their bump combos. His bump combos as does a fine job in clearing the mobs in the Zombie Loop parts of the dungeon. Finally, he has a Deity Slayer built in his SS along with a power up and speed up which can technically deal more damage than QB's SS.
Overall, he is a good monster for beginner players to get their hands on Izanami!
Next up is Bastet. She is a Deity as well!
Now Bastet is one of the easier dungeons in the game so beating it is not that hard. But, Symdra is a great monster if you want a relatively faster clear with Speed bonus. His homing piercer can clear scorpions efficiently and there are also tight corridors to use his SS.
Same arguments can be made for Krishna as well.
Last one I'm going to talk about is Hydra.
Scorpions also appear in this dungeon as well as gravity barriers. Not to mention the laser barriers which makes the more OP NGB water monsters like Margarite and Nanami less favorable.
He is not a bad max luck to have since he has double abilities.
Future Viability
Sadly, he doesn't have a lot of uses in future dungeons. Maybe one or two but that is it. But you can't expect much from a FREE monster. Just him being a viable pick for an Impossible dungeon is mindblowing enough! Although the road to ascending him is relatively long, but it is not as painstaking as max lucking a monster or even max plusing a farmable monster (since a lot of them have a high + threshold).
Road to Ascension!
Now this is going to be long ride to getting him to ascend but it is not impossible, even for new players.
What I am about to write is what was from the JP version. NA may have different plans on how to get those ascend materials.
Step 1 - 2 Divine Sharls
Well not that hard if you have spares. Even if you are a new player, there is a 5x drop rate increase for them from 5/24 - 5/26. Even so, you can save the rest of the materials and grab the divines at a later time. I'm not really going to get into whether he is worth the 2 divines...
They might be giving out divine sharls during the event so who knows.
Step 2 - Key Depluxie (1)
They might be giving out divine sharls during the event so who knows.
Step 2 - Key Depluxie (1)
This was given to players through a special stream. I highly doubt they will have a stream for us but they are giving ascend materials from 5/22 - 5/31. Expect this baby to come from there.
Step 3 - Ancient Depluxie (1)
This one is very easy. Just tweet or share on FB like you do for a lot of the events!
Step 4 - Ancient Depluxie Jr. (3)
You get this from Affinity. In JP, all the Affinity Bonuses all changed to this guy during the event. This didn't create a lot of rage besides the fact that it is hard to find friends to play with. Now that NA has orbs for Affinity bonuses, I do expect a lot of players to send angry letters/msgs or NA might change the Affinity system to incorporate orbs.
If you are wondering, even if you get 3 of them and even if you made your Symdra, your bonuses won't reset back to normal.
If you got any extra, he is worth a Blue Depluxie amount of EXP along with +50 ATK, +1.70 SPD, and +50 HP.
Step 5 - Silver Pickaxe Depluxie (90) or Gold Pickaxe Depluxie (1)
This is where the farming begins! You can get both from a special dungeon that will be up 24/7 during the event. It is at the "Hard" difficulty so 25stam per run. You will only get the Gold Pickaxe from when the Boss is defeated (low drop) and the Silver Pickaxe from bonus chests (not 100% drop). You just need one or the other, you don't need both.
For the Silver Pickaxe, you just need to fuse 75 together and he will get the last +15 as a bonus.
Now if you ever got lucky with the Gold Pickaxe or finished your Silver Pickaxe, the dungeon is basically a turtle quest. Both Depluxie is worth a Blue Depluxie worth of EXP and if you bring a few max luck monsters in Co-Op, you can average to 2-3 per run!
Final Words
The most important thing I need to tell you is...
If you accidentally sold/fuse materials like the Key or Ancient Depluxie or even worst, the Frozen Relic, MS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE!!
That being said, you can live without having the Ancient Symdra but it a nice trophy that you have been playing MS at an early stage. I'm pretty sure people are going to reroll for the likes of Uriel and Lucifer in the future but you can always get them (even if it is rng). Even so, you know 100% that they can't get an Ancient Symdra!!
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