Wednesday, June 22, 2016

[Top 5 Wednesdays] #1 - Funniest Moments in NA Dev Team Videos

Welcome to the very first Top 5 Wednesday here on my blog! Quick summary of what it is about: a Top 5 list of MS related content that is not really about who is the best in the game or for a specific dungeon. It is about more obscure topics to get you more immerse with the culture of Monster Strike.

This week is going to be about the NA Development Team: Pete, iMacK, Dash and Agent K. Their Let's Plays recently came back from the dead and even Dash and iMacK started streaming on a weekly basis ( Therefore I think it is fit to show them some love!

P.S.: if any of you four are reading this, sorry for bringing back the good and the bad ^^.

#5 - The DashMacK Combo

While they may not be the best Strikers, they put the OP in Co-Op! You know when they are in a video together, something funny is bound to happen. The best showcase of it was in a Monster Strike News video they did together.

They remind me of comedic Manzai groups in Japan. You know with a Boke (the funny man) and a Tsukkomi (the straight man). Search around the channel, there are a ton of jokes flying around between them or when iMack says something and Dash just says "No...". Maybe one day they will actually do stand-up for us. I'll be waiting on their Streams!  

#4 - Alien Pete

This entry on the list comes from Pete. He has to deal and contain the DashMacK combo from going off the walls and somehow get Agent K to talk at least once in a video. Being the glue of the team, it is hard to do anything funny. But don't worry, he did.

The moment came from a Let's Play video on Alien Grey. 

I'll just leave that there...

I am also not responsible for any repercussions from posting this picture (nor massive spams onto Pete's wall on the Official Forums). 

#3 - Absentminded K

Agent K, although very quiet, is a really good Monster Strike player. The number 3 spot came from him because good players are too good at the game to look at what they are doing.

The moment came from the 2v2 battle between Pete+Agent K and the DashMacK combo. Yes, those are PERFECTLY FAIR TEAMS.  

Agent K randomly shot his monsters 3 times during the time battle, the last one killing his team. Wonder what he was thinking at that time... Maybe when he can go back to sleep?

#2 - A New Master Appears

If the Agent K mishap lost the team the battle, it would have made it to Number 2. That being said, #2 still delivers a lot of laughs for me.

Master was a pinch hitter for Pete while he was off "enjoying himself." The lack of English from Master was funny like not knowing what the other 3 were saying but there was a better reason. 

Being very proficient at the game, he has to carry the three in a very difficult dungeon. The fun I had was trying to imagine what he was thinking when the others did their turns. We all know that it can be stressful when someone doesn't do an optimal shot. So seeing Master stressing out and hoping that he can telepathically control iMacK, Agent K, and Dash gave me a good smile.   

#1 - Don't Think, Just Strike

I think this was a pretty unanimous pick for the funniest moments in NA MS Dev History.

After a 20 minute battle against Princess Sakuya, it was down to Pete's Raff to finish her off. Raff had a choice of going straight to the weak spot or use bump combos. And well, you know what happened...

Pretty cool that the phrase started at the beginning of the video with LinLin. He should be a poster with that since it is so iconic within the NA Community.

Wait.... never mind.

Honorable Mentions

Here are some honorable mentions since there were so many funny moments on the channel

The N.B.T.
There was no specific moment of the notorious N.B.T. doing his thing. It was in pretty much in every video. If you want to know what it means, check the Let's Play of Poltergeist.

Emerald Wyrm
This all started in a MS News Video where Pete mistakes Emerald Dragon for Emerald Wyrm. The funny part was due to an inside joke so it didn't made the list. After the video was released, my good friend Kusan did his version of Emerald Wyrm. 

Also, when the article that explained the event on the Official Website appeared, the list of monsters had Emerald Wyrm instead of Emerald Dragon on it. Too bad they fixed it.

How Was It?

There you have it, the first Top 5 Wednesday! Did you guys enjoyed it?

Also comment on which moments from the NA Dev Team that you think were the funniest! Of course send in your feedback and requests for this Series!

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