Wednesday, July 6, 2016

[Top 5 Wednesdays] #3 - Tower Floors That Were Surprisingly Hard

Welcome to another week of Top 5 Wednesday!

Since NA finished off their first month of Tower in June and JP is adding the Skip Function (check the Reddit post) for August, I'll be doing a countdown of the Floors that are the Dark Horses in terms of difficulty.

Of course there are the common culprits of 22F, 23F and such but there are some floors that are just as worst if you are not careful.

#5 - 20th Floor

Wait? A floor under 21F!? Blasphemy!

All the enemies from the 20F deal a ton of damage. The best way is to kill them before you get killed. So if you can't clear them in time, then you are dead. Also if you do a non-optimal team due to laziness of switching teams, then you might bring non-NDW monsters and you can die from the Damage Walls.

#4 - 28th Floor

28th Floor is the bane for a lot of players.

This dungeon is all about pinching and not all the players are proficient in pinching. Also, you can lose by completely losing track of the movements of the clones and the real PC-G3 during the Boss Stages.

#3 - 39th Floor

39th Floor has the Shield item which you have to take in order to tank attacks from Izanagi. Of course if you can't kill the demon fast enough to get the Shield on the map or you got it before the right attack then you are dead.

The cheesiest part about this is the last stage where after you clear off one demon for the Shield, another just comes over it to prevent you from getting it.

#2 - 35th Floor

The main way you can die in the 35th Floor and that is during the first Boss Stage. Babel will do an instant kill when he is dead. If there are no mobs on the map then you move on, if there are, then it is Game Over. So you can accidentally kill him while clearing the mobs since he is just taking so much space in the middle.

Also the last Boss Stage is kind of annoying with the Magic Circles and players hate them with a passion.

#1 - 24th Floor

Welcome to Poison Paradise! Of course it is relatively easy if you stack Status Recovery monsters or have Detox Ableberries but even those teams have a rough time in them.

First off is the damage from not only the Poison but from regular attacks from Yoritomo himself. The Poison Spread damage itself is devastating and the Ex Laser is basically Game Over if your team gets caught in it. Also the Shield will do an unavoidable meteor just to put your HP low so that you need use the healing walls which can lead to non-optimal shots.

How Was It?

Another week has gone by! Tell me what Tower Floors you hate personally or just have a relatively hard time on!

You can check my Playlists of Tower Floors from both versions:

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