3 Orbs
3 Light Maxpies
1 Divine Sharl
1 Dark Dragon Gem
1/2 Stamina on Jin (11/26 9pm - 11:59pm)
MS Niconico Stream
2 Orbs (+1 Orb if you predicted the winner for the Tournament)
3 Dark Maxpies
1 Divine Sharl
Note: There will be no 1/2 Stamina for Toguro or Karasu.
3 Light Maxpies
1 Divine Sharl
1 Dark Dragon Gem
1/2 Stamina on Jin (11/26 9pm - 11:59pm)
MS Niconico Stream
2 Orbs (+1 Orb if you predicted the winner for the Tournament)
3 Dark Maxpies
1 Divine Sharl
Note: There will be no 1/2 Stamina for Toguro or Karasu.
New Transcension: Hattori Hanzo
Time: 11/22 3pm~
Materials: 3 Red Dragon Gem / 2 Dark Dragon Gem / 2 Divine Sharl / 30 Red Sharl / 50 Red Stoan
Hit: Bounce
Type: Speed
Ability: Null Gravity Barrier / Strike Shot Reducer
Gauge: Null Warp
Materials: 3 Red Dragon Gem / 2 Dark Dragon Gem / 2 Divine Sharl / 30 Red Sharl / 50 Red Stoan
Hit: Bounce
Type: Speed
Ability: Null Gravity Barrier / Strike Shot Reducer
Gauge: Null Warp
SS (12+16): Dizzies foes with speed and cancels projectiles for a set number of turns.
Bump: Homing Piercer 8
Sub: Slice n' Dice Destruction
- Immune from 2nd Gear SS (28 Turns) will last 1 Full Round. This includes his next shot after the SS and the enemy attacks after that.
Link: http://www.monster-strike.com/news/20161118_2.html
Sub: Slice n' Dice Destruction
- Immune from 2nd Gear SS (28 Turns) will last 1 Full Round. This includes his next shot after the SS and the enemy attacks after that.
Link: http://www.monster-strike.com/news/20161118_2.html
New Colossal: Arcadia
Time: 11/25 8:30pm - 10:30pm
Asc Arcadia Materials: Izanami: Zero (3) / Nirvana (3)
Dungeon Details
- Difficulty is Colossal only
- Only players with over 5 Max Luck can enter the dungeon
- No-Continue Only
- No Hearts
- Increased multiplier to weak points
- Increased elemental multipliers
- Boss drops from Clear / Speed / Luck Chests and not from No-Continue Chests
Link: http://www.monster-strike.com/news/20161118_3.html
Asc Arcadia Materials: Izanami: Zero (3) / Nirvana (3)
Dungeon Details
- Difficulty is Colossal only
- Only players with over 5 Max Luck can enter the dungeon
- No-Continue Only
- No Hearts
- Increased multiplier to weak points
- Increased elemental multipliers
- Boss drops from Clear / Speed / Luck Chests and not from No-Continue Chests
Link: http://www.monster-strike.com/news/20161118_3.html
Arcadia Stream

Time: 11/25 7:30pm ~
The new M4 will battle against Arcadia for an orb and 1/2 stamina!
Stream Link: http://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv282028975
The new M4 will battle against Arcadia for an orb and 1/2 stamina!
Stream Link: http://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv282028975
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